The Lake is located just north of East Grinstead on the A22 near Lingfield and contains a six buoy Slalom course and adjustable height Jump ramp. Changing rooms are available with showers and there are bar and restaurant facilities by the Lake, during normal licensing hours, at the Wire Mill Inn.
The Club operates a Ski Nautique tow boat and includes skiers of all ages and standards from novice through to National competitors. In view of the size of the Lake we operate a Club boat and are unable to accommodate Members own boats or water-craft. Skiing takes place at weekends and usually Wednesday and Friday afternoons.
We promote a lively Club spirit and arrange Social events and Competitions during the year.
Visitors and Guests are welcome to ski. Visitors ski in their order of arrival as part of a skiing rota scheme; Guests by invitation of a Member, may ski in place of that Members turn. For Visitors and Guests the Towing Fee is £25.00. Skis and Lifejackets are provided and Wet Suits are available.
The Annual Membership Subscription, subject to vacancies, is £400 and for new members there is an additional £100 Joining Fee. We also offer some Memberships for the Winter season. The Club is affiliated to the British Water Ski Federation and Members Fees include the annual BWSF Subscription and Accident Insurance.
Members and Visitors use a Name Board rota scheme, on which they place their name upon arrival, and each person skis in turn. The Tow sessions consist of ten minutes free format skiing, Kneeboarding or Trick skiing, six passes through the Slalom course or six ski Jumps. The current Towing Fee for Members is a very reasonable £10.00.
In view of the small number of Members, everyone participates in running the ski days and the Club. This includes the general upkeep of Club premises and Lake amenities, such as the Slalom course, Jump and Jetty. Members also organise the Social events, inter Club and Members Competitions.
If you are interested in activities at the Wiremill, come to the Lake where Club Members there will be able to tell you more about the Club and participating in water skiing.
Please note that we DO NOT operate a ski booking system. You can ski in order of arrival, numbers permitting. We can not guarantee a ski on any particular day.